Social Studies » Social Studies Department

Social Studies Department

The goals of the Social Studies Department are:

  1. To stimulate critical thinking
  2. To develop an awareness of the unity between the individual family, nation, and world
  3. To encourage active participation in the responsibilities of citizenship
  4. To develop an understanding of the pertinent events in human history and their impact on the individual
  5. To acquire special social studies skills and reinforce those basic skills needed in learning
  6. To acquire a respect for the contributions that can be made by all in a democratic society
  7. To develop a broad appreciation and respect for other peoples' cultures
  8. To provide the broadest possible spectrum of educational experiences to meet the individual needs and interests of the student body
  9. To stimulate an awareness of the relationship among the various disciplines
  10. To inculcate those transcendent values which have played a key role in the development of human civilization
  11. To understand and appreciate fundamental concepts of liberty, freedom, and justice within constitutional language of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence


In the senior year, all students must take and successfully complete one-half credit of economics and one-half credit of a social studies elective.  All senior electives meet the state Participation in Government and Economics requirement.